How does one know if they are buying actual retort bags designed for canning or Mylar bags not designed for canning?
Although big companies have retort bags made in any size, color, shape they desire. For those of us buying just the few hundred for our own personal use, there really is only one bag consistently on the market you can be sure is designed for retort canning. The bag has this writing on it. It is gold and comes in 2oz, 4oz, 8oz, and 16oz no gusset, a basic flat pouch.
All other products you should ask for the specs from the seller. There are many sellers now a days pushing foil bags in all types and colors as retort. The concern here is chemicals in the bags that will be released with the extreme heat. Retorts are BPA and chemical free. Also the air barrier properties of the bag will most likely be far less than that of retort pouches thus lessening the storage time and increasing the spoilage ratio.
Be careful when you buy if the bags do not have this FDA printing. Ask for the exact specs and information certifying it as a retort canning bag before using it.
Retort Canning of non acid foods has NO Scientific data from the FDA or USDA for the home canner. Can at your own risk! We are expressing our experiences but by no way are these experiences authorized data.
Nice blog post sharing with us..
Retort Pouches
Any business selling retort bags for canning will have the specs from the manufacture on hand. They should be able to send the consumer a PDF of the canning specs and FDA approval of the bag for canning.
The vacuum seal printing on the bag is a good way to be sure. But if the bag is blank as they are for retail use. Ask for the FDA approval document and canning specs.
If a reseller can not give you those specs it is cause for concern.
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Thanks for sharing the Post. After reading your Post, I think we should go with mylar bags for food storage purposes. What you say?
This is a crucial distinction for anyone serious about food preservation! While Mylar bags are excellent for long-term dry food storage, they are not a substitute for true retort bags when it comes to canning. Retort bags are specially designed to withstand extreme heat and pressure, ensuring food safety and longevity. At Packagly, we emphasize quality and transparency, helping customers find the right Custom Cannabis Bags packaging solutions for their needs. Thanks for sharing this valuable information—it's essential for anyone considering home canning
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